Sunday, December 13, 2009

Purchase of Domain

I purchased the domain today, seeing a post on Chinese authority banning individuals to register .cn domains starting from next week.

I view it as part of the regulatory actions on Internet these days and the intensifying measures taken prior to the year (and possibly going through next year). The policy is that, the CNNIC requires registrants of .cn domains submit their informations in paper to the service providers who in turn to submit the files to CNNIC. 

It is not new actually for CNNIC to ban individual applications of .cn domains, as they issued the policy earlier this year. But the measures requiring supportive documents (mainly business licenses and conduct person ID cards) are the first time in history. Although it only affects .cn domains, it sends the signal that they have the power to do more: limiting .com applications by some means.

Therefore I purchased the domain name, not from Chinese service providers. Plus, I will try to write more in English, so that the ICP registrations do not have to bother me.


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